
DUP attacks continue on UUP-Tory deal

Recent days have seen the stepping up of DUP attacks on the Ulster Unionist - Conservative link and we have now reached the stage where anyone supportive of the deal must be thinking they really have the DUP running scared.

The DUP tell us that the people of Ulster will have no truck with Cameron and his party, there can be only one answer to that - the DUP stands to gain in such a scenario, so why criticise it so often and hysterically in your press releases, letters, articles and blogs.

The DUP tell us the people of Northern Ireland shall suffer due to this deal as our Westminster MP's should be making as many friends from all major party's as possible. Interesting theory but surely having a sometime Government that is no longer an impartial mediator but rather a unionist with a "selfish and strategic interest" in Northern Ireland would be beneficial as opposed to being bit-part players and often outsiders in the government of our own country. The DUP have responded to this by saying politics is cyclical and a deal with Tory's will elicit Labour animosity, well let's be honest no unionist is on the best terms with that party anyway. I would be extremely surprised if our nine DUP MP's had many friends within the Labour party especially given how poorly many of them do that particular job (as highlighted by O'Neill).

The DUP have had much advice for the Ulster Unionists on this topic over recent months, well here is some for them - their major criticism has been concern that N.I. shall be alienated from a Labour government well I would appeal to the DUP to do a deal with them, its the perfect resolution to Northern Irelands democratic deficit. When the DUP was founded we were told they would be "left on social issues and right on constitutional", well it would seem then we have found a perfect marriage of convenience. Apologies just read that most recent DUP attack on the UUP-Tory deal apparently the DUP of today are a centre of right political force, guess that was just another principle dropped in the headlong dash for office and its benefits.

We have been told that the Tory's will gladly cast the Ulster Unionists aside and shall not value their opinion. Persuading from inside a government can only be an improvement on shouting about something from the outside as the DUP do. The Ulster Unionists are doing what they can to ensure NI's voice is heard, a concept wholly lost on the DUP who are content to make loud noises about anything that will secure votes but are reluctant to use government to ensure a fair deal for the people of NI. Briefly looking at the DUP website quickly shows their real strategy when dealing with the PM and his government. Two of today's top five articles involve shouting at the PM over something in the hope that they can win electoral support from it, I mean how much can "save the world" Gordon really value the DUP opinion on Libyan terrorism / the UK's small businesses, probably a great deal less than MP's that take his party's whip.

The truth of the matter is most DUP members would have loved their own party to create such a link and their vitriolic attacks show just how much they wanted it. Unfortunately for them their bizarre infusion of Ulster-nationalist politics, intolerance and hatred makes them un-palatable to the Conservative Party and a party far removed from the realities of modern day Britain.

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