
CDU/CSU mooted by Austian far-right

The recent death of far-right populist leader Jorg Haider may result in the reunification of Austria's far-right, perhaps under the CDU/CSU model. Haider who faced many accusations of anti-semitism, xenophobia and having Nazi sympathies, has left his newly formed Alliance for the Future of Austria in an interesting position.

After an incredibly successful election in which they took 522,933 votes and 10.70% of the national vote, they now find themselves without their charismatic leader and with little support outside of the province which he governed (Carinthia). If they continue on their own, they may find themselves with little to differentiate themselves from the larger FPO (other than a slightly less establishment platform) and without Haider their only major figure they may struggle to survive.

With Haider gone the main dividing factor between the FPO and the Alliance for the Future of Austria has been removed. Resultantly many are talking about a potential merger that would create Austria's second biggest party, just two seats short of being the largest in the national council. Interestingly they are considering adopting the CDU / CSU model used in Germany, that has been touted by some as the path which the UUP and Tory's should go down. If the unification does go ahead Austrian politics will find itself in a new and unwelcome position, where the far right will most likely at some point re-enter government.

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